By Chad Nicholls
During this time of year, there is never a shortage of self-glorified diet gurus and experts out there giving you advice on how to “survive” the holidays without ruining your diet and your physique. Truth be told, if you’ve done everything RIGHT up to this point, enjoying a holiday feast is NOT going to wreck your physique or your diet.
Nothing spoils a great holiday gathering faster than the one jackass who makes everyone feel uneasy or guilty for eating a fantastic celebratory meal by thinking it’s cool to bring their Tupperware container of grilled chicken, fish and potato to the feast! Again, one holiday meal will not undo weeks and months of diet!
Understandably, some have to work during these holiday meals – but still the holidays run until January 1. While a contest prep or maintaining your waistline is important – remember – family is the most important! Be sure to enjoy a delicious meal of fun holiday foods with your friends and family! There is plenty of time during the other 50 weeks of the year (or during a contest prep) to make up for a good holiday meal. Remember, calories can be burned off……but holiday memories last a lifetime. (Got any good holiday desert recipes?? Send them to me. Kim and I love to bake!!!)
And be sure to check out the Digital Muscle Fit Recipe section for some great recipes!

From Ronnie Coleman to Mike Tyson, Chad’s client list includes some of the most celebrated champions of all time. Digital Muscle is proud to feature the wisdom and in-your-face perspectives of one of the world’s most respected bodybuilding gurus. Chad is also the co-host of the PBW Bodybuilding Radio show, featured here at