On a new episode of the B-Built By Broser training series featuring Venice Beach super-trainer Eric “Merlin” Broser, Coach Broser is joined by veteran bodybuilder Lionel Brown as the pair discusses contest prep strategies in the final days of Brown’s march toward one of the biggest events of his career. Check back soon for another episode!
Eric Broser has fast risen to elite status as a trainer, strength/contest prep coach, model, author, magazine columnist and a consultant to nutritional supplement companies and gym owner for over twenty-five years. He is a former Natural Professional Bodybuilder, contest judge and now NPC Masters Competitor. Eric has penned over 1000 articles on training, supplements, mindset and nutrition.
Eric Broser has fast risen to elite status as a trainer, strength/contest prep coach, model, author, magazine columnist and a consultant to nutritional supplement companies and gym owner for over twenty-five years. He is a former Natural Professional Bodybuilder, contest judge and now NPC Masters Competitor. Eric has penned over 1000 articles on training, supplements, mindset and nutrition. DigitalMuscle.com is proud to welcome Eric to our family.