Bob Cicherillo Joins IronMag Labs
In a move aimed to shake things up in the world of performance supplementation, IronMag Labs announces the arrival of one of the bodybuilding industry’s most visible and influential insiders. Bob Cicherillo, the familiar voice of the Mr. Olympia contest, has signed a multi-year deal with IML, a brand that has spent more than a decade revolutionizing the hardcore supplement category.
According to Cicherillo, “I’ve worked with some great companies over the years, but I’ve never encountered a commitment to excellence like the one I discovered here at IML. I was already familiar with their products, some of the best in the business. But I had no idea how passionate and dedicated this team is. Rob DiMaggio is a trailblazer in the supplement industry and I’m beyond excited to work with him.”
In his role as VP of Business Development Cicherillo will help oversee a variety of expansion initiatives as the company looks to reach new customers. DiMaggio, the founder of the IronMag brand and the IronMag Labs line of supplements adds, “This is a great day for our company. Another reminder to expect the unexpected. Few would have envisioned IML and Cicherillo as a match, but this is exactly the kind of addition we’ve been looking for.”
Creators of several patent pending formulas, IML is one of the most successful consumer direct supplement companies in the world, with a line of supplements that includes the soon to be released Super DMZ 5.0, the fifth generation of the legendary pro-anabolic muscle building synergy blend.
Cicherillo is anxious to get started, “The quality and efficacy of the IML products are in a league of their own. Now it’s time to position the company so that everyone has the opportunity to experience what IML is all about. We’re about to have some fun!”
To learn more about the IML line of supplements, visit
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