Monday Night Muscle- 4X Ms. Fitness Olympia, Oksana Grishina

By Shawn Ray

Today’s episode of Monday Night Muscle, we play host to arguably the worlds greatest Ms. Fitness Olympia ever in the form of Russian Born, Oksana Grishina as she announces her return to competition from a 3 year retirement!

Show hosts, Bob Chick and I are left stammering while trying to cross wits with the beautiful fitness star who has been moonlighting with her Pole Fitness exhibitions, personal training services and contest promotions during her short lived retirement.

Oksana has been known to be an innovator and showstopper when it comes to her elevated fitness routines, however this year the Ms. Fitness Olympia line-up plays host to 3 past & current winners along with some thirsty challengers from around the globe!

3X’s Ms. Fitness Arnold Winner

Oksana opens up on today’s show with her journey back from retirement, injury and the obscurity of retirement. Confident that she can and will win her Fifth Olympia Title what she looks forward to most is the challenge of competing atleast one more time on the worlds biggest stage!

Click here to watch her interview now:

The Champ!

Editor in Chief.