Getting Started on a Fitness Journey

By Roger Lockridge Whether it’s a resolution, a special event, or your first physique show, there is great motivation when you finally decide that you’re going to commit to a fitness program and the time for you is now. So first thing tomorrow morning, you’re going to begin your journey. Then tomorrow becomes today. You’re […]

Never Settle!! The Great Ones Never Do.

By Roger Lockridge Who are your favorite sources of inspiration? Do you look up to people like Schwarzenegger, The Rock, Stallone? Regardless of who your personal idol is, if you take the time to analyze these incredibly successful people, you’ll see that they all have one thing in common. They never settled. They never sat […]

There’s Only One Comparison That Matters

By Roger Lockridge Over the course of my nearly two decades in the fitness world, I’ve offered support to countless men and women, helping many reach their goals.  Something nearly everyone has in common is that someone inspired them! Whether it’s a celebrity, fitness industry star, or a successful person in their own hometown, someone inspired […]

Losing Motivation? 5 Tips to Get it Back!

By Roger Lockridge Take a quick trip with me down Memory Lane to when you first started training. Remember how psyched you were to get to the gym, to feel the weight in your hands? Remember how you craved the comradery of the others in the gym. It might have been an obsession for you […]