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Details Announced for
DigitalMuscle.com Arnold Webcast!
DigitalMuscle.com, the fitness industry’s new media hub, has finalized sponsorships, scheduling and hosts for its FREE presentation of the 2016 Arnold Classic Webcast on March 4th and 5th.
An ensemble of commentators has signed on for the 2-day production, including lead host & producer Dan Solomon, bodybuilding guru Chad Nicholls, Arnold Classic Runner-up Ben Pakulski, celebrity trainer Hany Rambod and industry insider Dave Palumbo. Covering the non-bodybuilding divisions is Los Angeles based radio host Traci Lynn Cowan, Tad “The Diet Coach” Inoue, longtime fitness journalist Ruth Silverman and reigning Physique Olympia champ Jeremy Buendia.
Digital Muscle’s webcast is provided free of charge thanks to the support of Nutrition Active Sport, GASP, Mi40 – Muscle Intelligence Training Company, Prime Fitness Equipment, Evogen Nutrition, Blackstone Labs, Wings of Strength and BeautyFit.
This exclusive media event will also feature a series of major prize giveaways, including VIP Passes for next year’s Arnold Classic, Gym Equipment, Supplements, Training Opportunities, Nutrition Consultations, and more!
Solomon explains, “Our sponsors have generously pledged to give away some amazing prizes as part of our new Arnold Webcast Experience. So many great people and great companies have come together to give fans something different, allowing DigitalMuscle.com to produce a full scale production at no cost to the viewer.”
The 2016 Arnold Webcast will include 3 separate streaming events scheduled as follows:
Friday 6:30pm ET: Finals of Arnold 212, Fitness, Figure, Women’s Physique and Pole Fitness Championship
Saturday 1:00pm ET: Prejudging of the Arnold Classic, Bikini International, Men’s Physique and Pro Wheelchair
Saturday 6:30pm: Finals of the Arnold Classic, Men’s Physique, Bikini International and Arnold Strongman Classic
Post-Event Coverage: Replays will be available at DigitalMuscle.com following the event. Additionally, highlights and bonus coverage will be available on the Roku Streaming Television Service. Visit the UFN Network to access the Arnold channel, powered by Digital Muscle.
A special thanks to all the sponsors of the 2016 Arnold Classic Webcast!