From the Kitchen of:
Stefanie Antorcha
All you need is 5 min to put together this awesomeness I’m about divulge. Today, we are going to make an amazing fudge! And it’s packed with health benefits. This fudge will:
- Provide anti-oxidants to fight illness and prevent disease
- Provide essential fats
- Improve metabolism
- Lower cholesterol
- Decrease blood pressure
- Fight inflammation
There are so many more benefits of, yes, FUDGE! I think the real question is why are you not eating fudge right now?!?!
Here’s what you will need:
1 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup organic cacao powder
1/4 cup almond butter
1/4 cup organic maple syrup (or for sugar free recipe use sugar free maple syrup)
1 tbsp vanilla extract
Put all ingredients in medium sized mixing bowl and stir vigorously until all ingredients are combines. Pour into 5×9 glass loaf pan (you can use a bigger pan for thinner fudge but I like mine thick J ) place in freezer for at least 1 hr.
Keep in refrigerator until ready to eat! Enjoy! These little gems are perfect to keep on hand and ready to! Till next time Check out my recipe blog here at!
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Stefanie Antorcha is an IFBB Bikini Pro and the owner of BamBody Nutrition, a nutritional company that specializes in creating some of the industry’s most delicious protein treats. As a wife, parent, and business owner, Stefanie is a believer in creating and maintaining a healthy body from the inside out. As a certified nutritionist and professional competitor, she has spent years gaining knowledge and experience that she’ll be sharing here at Stefanie is also a proud member of Team BeautyFit.