Maximizing Hypertrophy: The Scientific Variables – Part II

By Scott Iardella In Part I of my Maximizing Hypertrophy series, we talked about 3 of the most important training variables: volume, intensity, and exercise selection. These 3 are critically important to maximizing muscle building or the hypertrophic response.  If you implement these 3 appropriately, maximizing hypertrophy could be much easier, yet there are more considerations […]

Are you EATING a good night’s sleep?

By Max Plasencia, Lifestyle Editor If you find yourself tossing and turning at night, struggling to fall (or stay asleep) you may need to re-consider your eating habits before bedtime. Several studies have found that eating less fiber, more saturated fat and more sugar is associated with lighter and more disrupted sleep. The studies are […]

Joints: The Painful Truth (Advanced Research Series)

By Dr. Doug Kalman, Nutrition Editor As we age, many of us notice that our joints ache a tad more than they used to. In addition, muscles ache that never used to ache before. Some would say that these symptoms are just part of the natural fabric of aging (for anyone older than 30), but […]